Stan Lester Developments






Dr Stan Lester


*      methodology

*      professions

*      work-based learning

*      competence standards

*      qualifications

*      doctorates

*      learning & development

*      assessment

*      digital



Professional competence

Work-based learning





Selected publications


Papers on methodology

   An introduction to phenomenological research

   Soft systems methodology     

   Developing professional competence standards (ComProCom manual)

   “Success factors in consultancy projects: making ‘maps that work’”, Work-based Learning 12 (2), 1-16 (2024).

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Papers on professions, professional development and qualifying processes

“Architecture in the UK:  a study in professional entry-routes and entry-gates”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning  12 (1), 1-12 (2022).

New technology and professional work”, Professions and Professionalism 10 (1), 1-15 (2020)

“Reconciling activity-based descriptions of competence with professional work”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning 7 (4), 381-393 (2017)

The development of self-regulation in four UK professional communities”, Professions and Professionalism  6 (1), 1-14 (2016)

Association and self-regulation in smaller UK professions,  Avista Press (2014)

Professional competence standards and frameworks in the UK”, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 39 (1), 38-52 (2014)

Professional organisation and self-regulation in family mediation in England and Wales”, Family Law 44, 1338-1341, 1472-1475, and 1610-1613 (2014)

Some notes on European Directives, professions and qualifications frameworks, input to the Irish Bologna experts conference, Dublin (April 2010)

Professional bodies’ advanced designations and awards,”  Bristol, Professional Associations Research Network:  PARN Occasional Paper  (2009)

Routes to qualified status:  practices and trends among UK professional bodies,Studies in Higher Education  34 (2), 223-236 (2009)

Routes and requirements for becoming professionally qualified,   Professional Associations Research Network  (2008)

"Becoming a profession: conservation in the United Kingdom," Journal of the Society of Archivists 23 (1), 87-94 (2002)

"Professional bodies, CPD and informal learning: the case of conservation," Continuing Professional Development 2 (4), 110-121 (1999).

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Papers on work-based learning and apprenticeships

Beyond Degree Apprenticeships: conceptualising integrated professional development, UVAC conceptual paper 1 (2024).

(S Lester & M Crawford-Lee) “Learning from digital adaptations to the pandemic: enhancing work-based higher education”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning  (2023).

Reconsidering negotiated work-based learning in the digital age”, summary conference paper (2022).

Creating conditions for sustainable Degree Apprenticeships in England”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning  10 (5), 701-714 (2020).

(S Lester & D Bravenboer)  Sustainable Degree Apprenticeships, Middlesex University/Edge Foundation (2020).

Higher vocational education and training in England”, pp. 44-75 in Hippach-Schneider, U. and Schneider, V. (eds.), Tertiary vocational education in Europe: examples from six education systems.  Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (2016).  (The link is to the full report, 14Mb). 

(S Lester, D Bravenboer & N Webb) Work-integrated degrees: context, engagement, practice and quality, literature review for the Quality Assurance Agency (2016)

(Darryll Bravenboer & Stan Lester) “Towards an integrated approach to professional competence and academic qualification”, Education + Training 58 (4),409-421 (2016)

A qualification system fit for adults? Revisiting some ideas from the University for Industry”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning  5 (2), 102-116 (2015)

(S Lester & C Costley) “Work-based learning at higher education level:  value, practice and critique”, Studies in Higher Education  35 (5), 561-575  (2010)

"Negotiated work-based learning: from delivery to realisation”, Capability  5 (1), 6-9 (2002).

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Papers on competence standards and frameworks

(S Lester, A Koniotaki & J Religa) “ComProCom: a revised model of occupational competence”, Education + Training (2018)

“Reconciling activity-based descriptions of competence with professional work”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning  7 (4), 381-393 (2017)

(S Lester & J Religa) “’Competence’ and occupational standards: observations from six European countries”, Education and Training  59 (2), 201-214 (2017)

Competence: a definition and a model (ComProCom, 2017)

Developing professional competence standards (guidance manual from the project ComProCom, 2017)

Competence standards and frameworks: some lessons from the United Kingdom”, Edukacja ustawiczna Dorosłych/Polish Journal of Continuing Education  3 (90), 132-141 (2015)

Professional versus occupational perspectives on work competence”, Research in Post-Compulsory Education 19 (3), 276–286 (2014)

Professional standards, competence and capability”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning 4 (1), 31-43 (2014)

Professional competence standards and frameworks in the UK”, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education 39 (1), 38-52 (2014)

Novice to Expert:  a table based on the Dreyfus Skill Acquisition Model

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Papers on qualifications and qualification frameworks

Sequential schooling or lifelong learning? International frameworks through the lens of English higher professional and vocational education”,  Education + Training 60 (2), 213-224 (2018)

Higher vocational education and training in England”, pp. 44-75 in Hippach-Schneider, U. and Schneider, V. (eds.), Tertiary vocational education in Europe: examples from six education systems.  Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (2016).  (The link is to the full report, 14Mb). 

The European Qualifications Framework: a technical critique”, Research in Post-Compulsory Education 20 (2), 159-172 (2015)

A qualification system fit for adults? Revisiting some ideas from the University for Industry”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning  5 (2), 102-116 (2015)

Developing a European practitioner certificate:  the TRAVORS2 project”, Research in Post-Compulsory Education 18 (3), 297-308 (2013)

The UK Qualifications and Credit Framework: a critique,Journal of Vocational Education and Training 63 (2), 205-216 (2011)

Some notes on European Directives, professions and qualifications frameworks, input to the Irish Bologna experts conference, Dublin (2010)

Qualification and credit levels: a technical document, Stan Lester Developments (2009)

"The construction of qualification levels and frameworks: issues from three UK projects," Higher Education Quarterly 55 (4), 396-415 (2001)

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Papers on doctorates

Practice as Research: developing the workplace project”, pp. 117-133 in V. Storey & K. Hesbol (eds.), Contemporary approaches to dissertation development and research methods. Hershey PA, IGI Global (2016)

Creating original knowledge in and for the workplace”, Studies in Continuing Education 34 (3), 267-280  (2012)

(C Costley & S Lester) “Work-based doctorates: professional extension at the highest levels”,Studies in Higher Education  37 (3), 257-269  (2012)

Doctoral-level qualifications outside of universities”, Work Based Learning 1 (2), 1010rtb (2010)

"Conceptualising the practitioner doctorate", Studies in Higher Education 29 (6), 757-770 (2004)

(K Doncaster & S Lester) "Capability and its development: experiences from a work-based doctorate", Studies in Higher Education 27 (1), 91-101 (2002)

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Papers on learning and development

(S Lester & M Crawford-Lee) “Learning from digital adaptations to the pandemic: enhancing work-based higher education”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning  (2023).

(S Lester & J Hofmann) “Some pedagogical observations on using augmented reality in a vocational practicum”, British Journal of Educational Technology  51 (3), 645-656 (2020)

Creating original knowledge in and for the workplace”, Studies in Continuing Education 34 (3), 267-280 (2012)

Bridging the gap from student to capable practitioner”, paper developed from project application Educon (University of Oslo) (2012)

(S Lester & C Costley) “Work-based learning at higher education level:  value, practice and critique”, Studies in Higher Education  35 (5), 561-575  (2010)

"Negotiated work-based learning: from delivery to realisation”, Capability  5 (1), 6-9 (2002).

(K Doncaster & S Lester) "Capability and its development: experiences from a work-based doctorate", Studies in Higher Education 27 (1), 91-101 (2002)

"Professional bodies, CPD and informal learning: the case of conservation," Continuing Professional Development 2 (4), 110-121 (1999).

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Papers on assessment

Work-based assessment principles and practice,” Stan Lester Developments/TRAVORS2 resource document (2011)

Professional practice projects:  APEL or development?,”  Journal of Workplace Learning  19 (3), 188-202 (2007)

"Assessing professional practice 'in the field': experiences from the PACR scheme," Research in Post-Compulsory Education 6 (2), 175-185 (2001)

"The Professional Accreditation of Conservator-Restorers: developing a competence-based professional assessment system," Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 24 (4), 411-423 (2000)

"Assessing the self-managing learner: a contradiction in terms?", in D O'Reilly, L Cunningham & S Lester (eds) Developing the Capable Practitioner: professional capability through higher education, Kogan Page (1999)

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Papers on digital learning and new technology

(S Lester & M Crawford-Lee) “Learning from digital adaptations to the pandemic: enhancing work-based higher education”, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning  (2023)

Reconsidering negotiated work-based learning in the digital age”, summary conference paper (2022)

New technology and professional work”, Professions and Professionalism 10 (1), 1-15 (2020)

(S Lester & J Hofmann) “Some pedagogical observations on using augmented reality in a vocational practicum”, British Journal of Educational Technology  51 (3), 645-656 (2020).

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© Stan Lester 2023